1st place in the competition by invitation for the study and construction of new backwalls for JTI tobacconists. Partnership with EUROFIERE. Turin - Cuneo | 2019
XIONG'AN urban furniture project
The only Italian studio to be invited to the competition for the study of urban furniture design in the new city of Xiong'an in China. 2020
Project winner of CEI contest
Project winner of the national contest organized by the CEI for the design of a new church in Cinisi (Pa)
1st place in the competition by invitation for the renovation of the building owned by Reale Mutua Assicurazioni in Via Sant'Agostino | Turin | IT
Reale Mutua Assicurazioni
1st prize in a competition by invitation for the design of the ground floor and the basement of the historic headquarters building's Reale Mutua Assicurazioni site in Via Corte d'Appello | Turin | IT
Reale Mutua Assicurazioni
2nd prize in the national competition for the design of a new office building for Reale Mutua Assicurazioni | Torino | IT
Vodafone Furniture Design
1st prize winner of Vodafone 2012 competition for the design of new franchising shop furniture
St. Nicholas Church
Finalists in the international competition for the construction of the new Church of St. Nicholas in Trebbia | Piacenza | IT